jueves, 15 de marzo de 2018

All about matter! - Minibook -


Learning about matter isn't easy, but we became scientists and we made a mini-book to collect all our learnings about this topic.

We worked in groups with collaborative learning, practising and experimenting in class about all the aspects related to matter: mixtures, changes, thermal conductors and insulators, etc.

We learnt how to extract specific information of texts, how to complete a mind map or how to follow instructions to make easy experiments.

These are some materials we used and our mini-books:

Here you have the worksheets we use to make our mini-books:

Thanks and... See you soon!

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

All about matter! - Boardgame -


We learnt a lot about matter and we tested ourselves with a great activity: a boardgame! The best way to learn new things is playing and we preapred a 'Trivia Game' to review all the contents about this unit.

First of all, we divided in groups of four and each gruop prepared some questions and answers about matter (atoms, molecules, mixtures, changes, etc.).Then, we wrote these questions and answers into the cards and we also decorated the board.

These are the materials we used:

Finally, we played in the class in groups, we had a lot of fun and we learned a lot!

Thanks and... See you soon!