We are learning about healthy eating and healthy habits and this week we did an experiment to comfirm that soft drinks, like cola or lemonade, are unhelathy for us. Do you want to know how we did it? Here we go!
First, we watched a video to introduce the topic and to dicuss why should we avoid soft drinks. This is the video:
Second, we prepared our experiment. To do this, we made six groups of four people and we shared the roles in the gruop (secretary, coordinator, controlling and speaker). Once we had the goups, we watched other video to know how to do the experiment.
These were the materials we needed:
- 3 plastic cups.
- Cola, lemonade and water.
- Labels and markers.
- Dirty coins.
- Registration worksheet.
The fist step to do an experiment is to make a hypothesis. So, we asked our selves: what is going to happen to the coins inside the different drinks?
Then, we put the drinks in the plastic cups and the coins into the different drinks: cola, lemonade and water.
And we waited for two days...
When we picked up the coins from the drinks, the result was amazing... the coins inside the cola and the lemonade were brilliant, but not the coin into the water!
So, our conclusion was clear: Soft drinks are really unhealthy for us! But not to clean coins... ;)
Moreover, all our hypothesis, notes and conclusions were registered in a registration worksheet like this:
Thanks and... See you soon!